If you have a Delta Dental insurance plan, you can view it as a valuable asset. It may allow you to enjoy low-cost preventive services, and it can reduce the financial strain of those times when your smile needs restorative care. But how can you get the most out of your policy? As an in-network Delta Dental dentist in Eugene, our team is here to assist you. Continue reading below to discover how you may be able to maximize your benefits.
Delta Dental offers several different plans to Oregon residents. You should take time to familiarize yourself with the details of your unique coverage. In the meantime, here is a basic overview of how PPO plans from Delta typically work:
Keep in mind that your plan may also enforce a deductible, a waiting period before you can take advantage of certain types of coverage, and an annual benefits maximum. For a lot of plans, that maximum is around $1,000. It represents the largest dollar amount that Delta will pay for approved services in a calendar year.
Because we are in-network with Delta, you may be able to get greater value out of your annual maximum. In some cases, we are even able to schedule major services between calendar years so you can utilize two annual maximums instead of only one.
We understand that navigating your dental insurance may feel challenging at times. There can be a lot of details to go over! Our team wants to help you with the process. Give our office a call and provide your insurance information. We can help you understand how your plan might apply in various situations. When you receive treatment, we will file claims in a timely manner.
Our front desk team has years of experience in dealing with the nitty gritty details of dental insurance, and we hope you can count on us to make it easier to use your benefits!