Have you checked your gums lately and noticed a weird swollen spot? Gum bumps are fairly common and can stem from a variety of causes. Some are harmless and go away on their own, while others may need attention from your dentist right away! But how can you tell one case from another? Keep reading to learn what might be causing your oral issue and what you should do about it.
1. Gum Abscess
A gum abscess is a small, painful bump that forms when bacteria cause an infection in your gums. It’s often accompanied by swelling, tenderness, or a bad taste in your mouth due to pus buildup. Of all “gum bumps,” this is the most serious.
An abscess won’t disappear on its own and will continue to grow, spreading through your teeth, gums, and even your cheeks. This is an emergency situation that requires a dental visit to treat the infection.
2. Dental Cysts
Dental cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can develop near the roots of teeth, especially if there’s an infection or if the tooth is dead. While they often grow slowly and may be painless, untreated cysts can cause swelling, discomfort, or even tooth damage over time.
Your dentist can take an X-ray to diagnose a cyst and recommend the right treatment for you. Some solutions include removing the cyst or treating the affected tooth with a root canal.
3. Oral Fibroma
An oral fibroma is a harmless, smooth, and firm bump that often forms due to irritation or trauma. For example, if you cut your gums or your dentures don’t fit well, it could damage the tissue and cause the area to swell. The resulting bumps are typically painless and grow slowly over time. While oral fibromas are harmless, your dentist can remove them if they begin to become irritating.
4. Gum Boil
A gum boil is like a less severe abscess that is more shallow and localized to your gums. It often looks like a pimple on your gums and may be a sign of an issue like an infected tooth root.
While not as dangerous as dental abscesses, gum boils can still be painful or bothersome and shouldn’t be ignored. Your dentist will need to intervene to treat the underlying cause of the boil and prevent complications.
So, if you have a bump on your gums that’s painful, growing, or not going away, it’s time to see your dentist. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent infections or other issues from getting worse. With quality dentistry combined with great oral care at home, you’ll feel much better and so will your smile!
About the Author
Dr. Ben A. Sutter is a dedicated dentist with over 15 years of experience helping his patients achieve healthier smiles. He earned his dental doctorate from the Rutgers School of Dental Medicine. Since then, he has built a very successful practice that uses the latest dental technology to perform high-quality dental work and help patients find relief from painful oral issues. Call (541) 484-1955 to schedule an emergency appointment at For Beautiful Smiles or visit our website to explore a full menu of services.