You don’t want to be left with a gap in your smile for very long; after all, without a full set of teeth, your ability to eat will be limited, you may not be able to speak as clearly as you want, and the prospect of smiling in front of others can suddenly become embarrassing. However, if you need to have teeth removed first, that can have an impact on how soon you can get a replacement. When will you be able to get dental implants after tooth extraction? The post below will give you a rough idea of what you can expect.
How Long Will You Have to Wait?
Since a tooth extraction requires oral surgery, it will take some time for your mouth to fully recover. Dental implants can only be placed after the underlying bone has sufficiently healed. In most cases, this will take a minimum of 10 weeks. However, on some occasions, it is possible to place the dental implant immediately after the tooth has been removed. To determine whether this is an option, your dentist will have to perform a full examination of your mouth. Note that the status of your health, the position of the tooth in question, and any existing infections can impact the amount of time you’ll have to wait after a tooth extraction. And if bone grafts are required, then the waiting period can be extended by a matter of months. Rest assured that your dentist will not move forward until they’re confident that jawbone is healthy and strong enough for implant surgery.
Will Dental Implants Be Worth the Wait?
While the dental implant process can take months with or without extractions, many patients report that they’re well worth it thanks to all the advantages they have to offer. For one thing, they’re designed to last for decades if not a lifetime, so once you have them, you won’t have to worry about replacing them for quite a while if ever. They also protect against bone resorption, which usually occurs after you’ve lost your natural teeth; the stimulation that implants provide will encourage blood flow in the jaw to prevent it from breaking down. Furthermore, dental implants will let you eat anything you want, and they will eliminate the risk of your new teeth moving or sliding at awkward moments. In short, once you’ve gotten your implants, you’ll soon start to see your life start to change for the better.
Have you been considering dental implants? Talk to your dentist today to see if extractions will be required first; you can trust them to give you a reliable timeline that you can plan around once they’ve examined your mouth.
About the Author
Dr. Ben A. Sutter always knew he wanted to care for others; he originally spent some time in the nursing field before eventually switching to dentistry, which he considers one of the best decisions he’s ever made. He’s partnered with a top implant specialist in Eugene, and he’s happy to help you figure out whether implants are the best choice for your smile. To schedule an implant consultation, visit his website or call (541) 683-7500.